Thursday, May 21, 2009

Today's tip: The 5 P's
Proper Preparation Prevents Potential Problems.
There will be a few day's worth on this topic to cover the different aspects.
Today we discuss the preperation that has to take place before you even take your first step into a gym or workout routine. Its the mental preparation that is necessary to program your psyche for success.
All too often, people who enter into endeavors of all manner start off great but slowly fizzle and fail. Do they lack something that successful people have? In short, Yes. They lack the mental fortitude that it takes to accomplish something as important as transforming your body and life.
You see, many successful people, but for the sake of discussion, people who are successful at physical transformation are prepared to do whatever it takes to experience the finish line. But what does that mean? What it means is is that they have accepted the fact that this endeavor will be CHALLENGING, it will be WORK, it might be PAINFUL, and it might be UNCOMFORTABLE. They have had to prepare mentally for the things that they will experience physically, emotionally and mentally. Much like a mountain climber surveying their challenge, they have taken the time to think out the route, the ascent. They have taken time to analyze their resources and how to best utilize them for success. They have determined in advance that the goal lies at the peak of the mountain and not somewhere along the slope, and have determined in advance to meet that goal at any cost. Second rate, compromised efforts are not a part of the successful person's game plan.
So what does that have to do with YRG? Well, i can tell you from personal experience that the little cliche phrase "Failing to plan is planning to fail" is the most important thing in this whole thing. Just like an experienced, successful mountain climber doesn't just show up at the base of the slope and make the plan up as he goes, neither can anyone who wishes to be successful at YRG. In order to be successful you must have read and re-read the game plan, memorized it, understood it, worked it out mentally, written it out and PLANNED IT AHEAD. You can't just unroll your mat, open to page one and expect to get rolling in no time flat. You have to have a game plan before you buy one chicken breast, one gluten free cereal, take one deep breath, make one single diamond cutter, or take one single measurement.
By understanding the task and working through it mentally, planning for contingencies, having a back up plan and committing yourself 100% to success BEFORE ever taking the first step, you in essence work toward ensuring your own success. It works much better than just 'seeing how it goes'
Proper Preparation Prevents Potential Problems

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