Monday, June 22, 2009

Week 6 Results. Steady as She Goes.

Week 6 Day 1
Weight: 200 lbs

Week 7 Day 1
Weight: 197 lbs

Net weight loss 3 lbs

Total Weight Loss
24 lbs

Below the Belt MWF
Fat Burner TTH
Red Hot Core T

Had a pretty rough week. The weekend before was super busy and i had no time to make it to the grocery store. luckily i stocked up the week before so i was good on the basics. I had something going EVERY night after work so alot of my routine went right out the window. I ate almost every lunch and dinner out. Kept it cool by keeping Pollo Loco an Chicken Dijon in business. Had to fall back on nutrition bars a little more than i would have liked to, but it beats the alternatives.

Haven't slowed down one bit. Hope to hit my exercise routine a little more solid this week and get in all of the RHC core workouts that i scheduled.

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