Friday, June 5, 2009

If the suit fits...

REJOICE!!! With my niece's party coming up on saturday, i figured i had better check the fit on my suit.... suits.... I HATE wearing suits. Actually i hate any form of dress that requires me to button my shirt all the way up and install an inverted noose under the collar. its ironic because i really do look sharp in formal attire, but I swore to myself years ago that i would never get myself into a position in life that requires the necessity of a formal uniform on a regular basis. Don't get me wrong. I really love the way a well cut suit looks on a distinguished gentleman, its just not for me. but i digress. So two years ago we went on a cruise and my wife insisted that i buy a suit. OK. So we went shopping and of course i had a very difficult time finding anything that suits me (NPI). My tastes run a little more to the Desi Arnaz/Dean Martin side of town, But i found one i could stomach and it looked pretty good. I wore it that one night and it has hung in the closet ever since. I slowly out grew it and i KNEW it wouldn't have fit if i tried it on 4 weeks ago. I couldn't see spending what a new suit costs and i won't buy a cheap suit because i don't want to look like I'm wearing a cheap suit. For me it was easier to lose 15 lbs than to spend on something i'd probably never wear again. Moment of truth... I slid the pants up and much to my delight they buttoned right up without having to suck it in!!!! In fact they fit better than when i bought the suit! HOT DIGGITY!!! It's these little moments that lend so much inspiration and motivation. It makes me wanna get up early to crawl around on the floor and contort and strain and eat chicken. Take it from a recovering fat slob... YRG WORKS!

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