Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Lets see how many times I can do this.

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. I know. Mr. Inconsistency. What can I say? I'm a flawed human being who has not yet developed the skill set to overcome some of my failings. But I'm working on it.

So here it is, October, 2017. 2 kids later, and I am FREAKING HUGE! Are you sensing a pattern here?

I hit my peak at 270lbs back in February. I got on the ball and lost 30 lbs, but once my youngest was born, all bets were off. Something in my mentality shifted. I'll save all the gory details, but suffice it to say that I found myself in a very unproductive place. I put back on 20 lbs, so as of yesterday morning I weighed in at 258 lbs, but what the heck, lets just call it 260. I'd say 100 lbs is a nice round weight loss goal, so 100 lbs it is. I really like myself at about 160. Now i'm not sure if like John Travolta my head has put on a few pounds or not, but I'm pretty sure I can still fit nicely into a 160 lb skin bag.

My wife put on a decent amount of weight between the two kids and surgeries and business of life and all that. She always managed to stay pretty slim over the last 13 years, but by her own admission sh had gotten pretty large for her standards. She naturally eats pretty good and doesn't have the same wants for sugar and fat and flour and.... So she started eating better, and she joined this 28 day boot camp at the gym her friend goes to. Well not to be out done, I went out and joined that pizza planet gym just to make it look like i was doing something too. I wasn't all in, but hey, 30 minutes on the treadmill 3 times a week at 10:00 PM is better than nothing right? I mean no better way to burn off that Big Mac I had for lunch.

Well then she went and upped the ante on me. She joined in on this 6 week challenge they have at the gym. something like 20 lbs guaranteed if you follow the plan to the letter. Now, she has been coming home every night all beat up from her boot camp, so I knew what she was up against. I know how these trainers think you have to kill yourself for results. So I told her I would do my own challenge along side of her to show her just how simple it is with DDPYoga. NO burpees for me. Pass the bacon. Thanks.

Before my youngest son was born, I lost the 30 lbs based solely on what I put into my mouth. Now I'm curious to see how my new eating plan mixed with with DDPY will turn out. I'm expecting big things.

So yesterday was day 1. I crushed it. I'm off to a good start today. Honestly I want to not exercise, and i want to poison my body with horrible things that look like food, But more than that I wanna run with my kids, get back on my skateboard, swim in the ocean, and walk around with no shirt and show off all the tattoos I'm gonna get to make me look more edgy and tough.

Its funny how simple this stuff is. I mean really, I've been doing this on and off for so long its like putting on your favorite pair of (fill in the blank). It takes no thought to put my food together, the exercise portion is as difficult as pushing play on the DVD player. But we make it so tough because we are lazy, selfish, and short-sighted. Yes, Ben and Jerry's is the most delicious thing on the planet, and I can eat it by the quart, but nothing tastes as good as being fit feels.

I'm going to be hot again. 45 years old and smoking hot. Salt and pepper gray, tailored suit, chiseled features hot. Watch out world, I'm coming at you.

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