Monday, March 2, 2015

Lets make it an even 100.


So today is another day 1, and as part of the day one ritual I get to load my fat ass onto the scale and play the ol' read 'em and weep game.


yep. that's right. two hundred fifty five pounds.

I mean, I'm not surprised, but damn.

So now what. Well here's what.

At 250 I was planning on dropping 90 to hit a target of 160, BUT now at 255, i'm gonna shoot for an even 100 and get back to the weight I was at when I was in the best shape of my life... 15 years ago.

Normally I'm pretty comfortable at about 170 but only because its real easy to maintain with my 24/7/365 lifestyle. Now with this latest revelation, I'm gonna just freaking go for it and make it an even hundo.

100 Lbs by Nov 9, 2015.

That's 36 weeks. Which means I have to be dedicated to an average loss of about 2.8 Lbs/wk. totally doable.

Let's make it an even 100.

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