Wednesday, May 13, 2009

2nd verse, same as the first...

Well, almost. I managed to get up a little earlier and hit the ground running. Its weird just rolling out of bed, into the kitchen, then onto the mat. In the old days, i had to drive to the gym, so i had an extra ten minutes to find my bearings. But in a way this is cool because it forces me to wake up and get focused immediately. sets the tone for the rest of the day. 

I know its only been two days, but it seems that slipping back into a routine is not that difficult at all. I used to live like this, but at some point I abandoned ship. Now that I'm back on board, it feels like business as usual. The interesting thing is that when you set your mentality towards something, it has an effect on your overall being. Even after just two days I feel more alive, accomplished and focused than I have in years. I can feel my body wanting to rejuvenate and my mind wanting to charge ahead.

i didn't make to many changes to my nutrition on day 2 except that swapped bread for potato at breakfast, I spaced my meals a little differently and I changed my afternoon snack to a salad with a half portion of chicken instead of fruit. I would say it made a big difference. I had a better energy curve all day. By about 6:30 pm I was feeling pretty beat physically, so i took an opportunity to grab a quick nap and intermittently check in on the NBA finals. 

When I got up, it was dinner time so i just went in and hit it. As for me, I am a creature of habit. I find it much easier to just do the same thing over and over. It requires far less thought when it comes to shopping and preparing meals. Of course like everyone I get bored, so I have about three go to items that i can use to switch things up. Its tough coming off of the bad habits I've developed back into eating clean but its worth it. In the past I could run right out and buy whatever i was craving, mexican, chinese, burgers, italian, you name it. Now I'm having to look at food less as a pleasure point but as a business tool. I eat to live instead of living to eat.

I think this exercise thing is already working. By 11 i didn't even have the energy to talk so off to bed. I think I'm gonna like this.

Day 2
Breakfast 8 am
See Day 1
Carb - 1 potato, medium, seasoned and browned in a little cooking spray

Mid morning snack 11 am
fruit - grapes and strawberries

Lunch 2 pm
See Day 1

Afternoon snack 4:30 pm
vegetables - mixed green salad with light balsamic vinaigrette
protein - half portion chicken

Dinner 8 pm
See Day 1

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